Quiet Time
Quiet time is from 11:00 PM until 7:30 AM. Please be considerate of other groups and staff that may be here.
- Keep flowers and other vegetation undisturbed for others to enjoy. Do not drive on the grass.
- Please move furniture and fixtures back to their original positions upon departure. Furniture or fixtures may not be removed from the buildings.
- Use of, or entering, any buildings not contracted for is prohibited. You will be charged at least the minimum daily use fee for that building.
Banned activities & substances
- Use of tobacco (this includes cigarettes, pipes, electronic cigarettes, vaping, etc). is prohibited in all camp buildings.
- Use or possession of alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs, firearms, or fireworks, is prohibited.
- Hunting on camp property is prohibited.
- Pets are not permitted at Disciples Crossing.
Lost & Found
Items left at Disciples Crossing will be held in our Lost and Found for 30 days.
Disciples Crossing does not provide First Aid supplies. These responsibilities belong to each group.
First Aid
Disciples Crossing reserves the right to deny any individual or group we deem inappropriate or inconsistent with our beliefs.