Acceptable Use Policy

For Wireless Internet Access at Disciples Crossing

By using the wireless Internet connection made available by Disciples Crossing, the user agrees to abide by the terms outlined in this policy. It is the responsibility of the user to understand these policies and to seek clarification/assistance from if necessary.

Minors using the wireless network must be supervised by an adult at all times.

While using the wireless network at Disciples Crossing, the user must refrain from viewing or transmitting inappropriate content that is not in accordance with the mission of Disciples Crossing. The user must also refrain from downloading pirated content, spamming, cyberbullying or any other illegal or harmful activities while using the wireless network.

The user should refrain from sharing sensitive or personal information in order to protect his/her privacy while using this connection.

We strongly recommend that the user run up-to-date antivirus and firewall software on his/her wireless devices while using this network.

Use of the wireless network is at the user’s risk. Disciples Crossing is not responsible for any loss of data or theft or damage to personal equipment or software.

Disciples Crossing reserves the right to monitor use of the wireless network and to revoke a user’s access to it at any time.

Please direct any questions regarding this policy to

Social and Digital Media Code of Conduct

This policy is intended for use, in conjunction with our Privacy Policy , by volunteer and paid staff who may utilize social and/or digital media to communicate with and about Disciples Crossing.

  • For any groups that do not utilize programming staff (counselors, group leaders, etc...) selected and trained by Disciples Crossing, and do not have their own Code of Conduct, we recommend adhering to these policies as well.

Social and digital media includes electronic communications and online activities, such as text messages; email; cloud document sharing; and social networking like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like; and posting comments, such as on blogs. Because of the blur between personal and professional communications, this Code of Conduct helps explain what is recommended and expected.

  • Remember all internet postings are permanent — able to be duplicated and may go viral.
  • Use your common sense. If you wonder whether or not to communicate or post, don't do it until you consult with Disciples Crossing leadership.
  • Respect your privacy, your coworkers' privacy, and the camp's privacy by not providing personal or confidential information without permission. Also, employees/volunteers are prohibited from sharing anything via social and/or digital media channels that could violate another employee/volunteer's right to personal privacy.
  • If you are communicating with minors through any digital or social media, act as you would if you were communicating in person. Specifically, communicate with minors using transparency and in a group, or do not communicate at all. If it is necessary to send an individual message outside of a public area to a minor, copy another adult or a parent. Do not initiate a one-on-one relationship (such as friending from a personal profile) with a minor.
  • Before sharing photographs of a person over the age of 18, obtain his/her permission.
  • Do not share photographs or personal identifying information of a minor under the age of 18 through social or digital media without explicit permission to do so from their legal parent/guardian.
  • Do not use digital media to share personal identifying information of minors outside of Disciples Crossing managed accounts. Personal identifying information includes, but is not limited to, the following: first and last name, email address, date of birth, contact information, health information, parent(s) name(s), or physical address.
  • Do not violate copyright and fair use laws and do not plagiarize another's work. Obtain permission if you wish to use material created by someone else.
  • Harassment, threats, intimidation, ethnic slurs, personal insults, pornography, obscenity, racial or religious intolerance, abuse, and any other form of behavior prohibited by law is also prohibited via social media channels. Do not engage in any such behavior and do not make or comment on any such behavior, comments, or remarks.
  • Only those officially designated may use social or digital media to speak on behalf of the organization in an official capacity, though employees/volunteers may use social media to speak for themselves individually.
  • If you are not officially authorized to speak on behalf of Disciples Crossing, use a disclaimer saying that what you communicate is your personal opinion and not that of the organization when you are engaging in conversation on Disciples Crossing's social media channels. Two sample social media disclaimers include: (1) "I work/volunteer for Disciples Crossing, and this is my personal opinion."; and (2) "I am not an official spokesperson, but my personal opinion is . . . ." This requirement is meant to ensure that others can easily distinguish the official position of the organization or the organization's leadership from those of our employees/volunteers.
  • Users should use their best judgment when engaging in social media activities and should be on guard against actions and discussions that could harm the interests of our community, faith, or other persons.
  • For your protection and the protection of Disciples Crossing, you are prohibited from using internal or external social media channels to discuss confidential items, legal matters, litigation, or the organization's financial performance. Confidential information includes anything labeled as such or information not available to the public. When asked by others to discuss any of these matters, you should relay that "Our social media policy only allows authorized individuals to discuss these types of matters. I can refer you to an authorized individual if you'd like to ask them," and then refer the question to
  • Be open and honest about who you are when you communicate. Disciples Crossing trusts and expects you to exercise personal responsibility whenever you use social and/or digital media, which includes respecting the trust of those with whom you are engaging.
  • Maintain basic privacy measures in all personal and Disciples Crossing managed accounts including keeping passwords secure and changing them regularly.
  • If you see a violation of this Code of Conduct, report it to If you have questions about the Code of Conduct, please contact
  • All of the Disciples Crossing's other policies apply to the use of digital and social media. All communication by employees or volunteers should take into account the organization's values, reputation, and workplace policies.
  • Any violations of Disciples Crossing's Code of Conduct may result in discipline and/or termination of employment or volunteer opportunities.